
Publication links

As Lead Visualiser (for third parties) Chris was involved in the projects featured in the links and articles below. Chris makes no claim to copyright for these images - the copyright remains with the third parties.








The Shrine Courtyards

publication date Oct 3, 2017 publication description Landscape Architecture Australia



Plan to convert road lane to park in Melbourne’s Southbank unveiled
publication date Jul 13, 2017 publication description Landscape Australia

https://landscapeaustralia.com/articles/plan-to-convert-road-lane-to-park-in-melbournes-southbank-unveiled/Space savers: the


MONA unveils vision for Hobart’s Macquarie Point renewal
publication date Dec 15, 2016 publication description Landscape Australia



Cultural infusion: Dandenong Civic Square
publication date Nov 1, 2014 publication description Landscape Architecture Australia
publication description Landscape Architecture Australia – November 2014 (Issue 144)









Melbourne’s Southbank to get green makeover after years of high-density development
publication date Jul 13, 2017 publication description ABC News



Elizabeth Street and Southbank redevelopments funded in Melbourne City Council draft budget
publication date May 4, 2017 publication description ABC News



Mona – waterfront vision to take three decades
publication date Dec 12, 2016 publication description ABC News



Macquarie Point: Revamped master plan remains under wraps
publication description ABC News








 Local councils turning roads for rubber, to parks for people
publication date Aug 31, 2017 publication description foreground



Designers fear over-regulation could burden Hobart cultural precinct
publication date Dec 16, 2016 publication description foreground









Melbourne’s ‘hostile and forbidding’ University Square to be transformed
publication date Aug 26, 2016 publication description Architecture AU



2014 Victorian Landscape Architecture Awards
publication date Nov 24, 2014 publication description Architecture AU









MONA lights up the dark side to tell culture war stories
publication date Dec 10, 2016 publication description The Australian










Parks of the future: new green spaces for Carlton and Southbank
publication date Sep 2, 2016 publication description Australian Design Review




Earth Sciences Garden, Monash University
publication description Landezine
